- For astronomers: Harvard ADS
- For high energy physicsists: INSPIRE HEP
- Generally, Google Scholar, ORCID, and arXiv list are also available.
However, while the above websites need time to update, the most up-to-date list is below:
Constraining blue tilted primordial power spectrum with nearby dwarf galaxies
- Jianhao Wu, Tsang Keung Chan.
- In prep.
Cosmological Zoom-In Simulations of Milky Way Host Size Dark Matter Halos with a Blue-Tilted Primordial Power Spectrum
- Jianhao Wu, Tsang Keung Chan, Victor J. Forouhar Moreno.
- Under review by Physical Review D [arxiv:2412.16072]
Cosmic-ray electrons and the magnetic field of the North Polar Spur
- Guobin Mou, Jianhao Wu, Yoshiaki Sofue.
- Astronomy & Astrophysics 676, L3, 2023 [arxiv:2212.04306]
- [Winner of Best Presentation Award on the COSPA Symposium 2024] click here for the awarding photo of mine :)