Jianhao WU-Study Fundamental Physics with Cosmology
I am currently a 2nd year MPhil student @CUHK Physics, under the supervision of Prof. Tsang Keung Chan, fully funded by CUHK Research Postgraduate Studentship. I am interested in the intersection between astrophysics and fundemental physics, especially using cosmological signals to study fundamental physics problems including early universe, dark matter and dark energy. I am now working on Milky-Way host size dark matter halo substructure simulation for a small scale enhanced primordial power spectrum ([arxiv:2412.16072]).
I got my Physics MSc degree also @CUHK in 2023, with CUHK MSc in Physics Excellent Performance Award. It complemented my knowledge gaps as a non-physics student, by covering Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics, Computational Physics, Cosmology, and etc.
I got my Computer Science BEng degree @WHU in 2022, where I determined the physical origin of North Polar Spur, a bright structure on radio band within Milky-Way, by synchrotron radiation calculation (Astronomy & Astrophysics 676, L3 [arxiv:2212.04306]). With this paper I won the Best Presentation Award of the CosPA 2024 Symposium. My supervisor and co-author was Prof. Guobin Mou.
Currently looking for 2025 Fall PhD position in cosmology:
Standardized Tests
- GRE Subject Physics 940/990 (87% in percentile)
- IELTS Academic 7.5
Interested research topics
- Structure Formation/Dark Matter Halo/Dark Energy Model
- Early Universe Cosmology/Inflation
- …
Preferred research tools
- Numerical
- Theoretical
- Data Analysis
- …